The 2020 Maker Games finals showcased innovative prototypes for high-impact solutions!

The 2020 Maker Games final was held on campus on November 24. The Maker Games is an industry-led problem-solving challenge integrated into Engineering coursework. Fourteen teams pitched their solutions to topics ranging from creating trusted financial communities to supporting amateur referees to cooling data storage towers.

The teams were expected to develop working prototypes over the eight months of coursework, many of which were seen in action on the day.

The winner was Ember Eye, a team solving the problem of primary residences at risk in bushfire-prone areas. Their innovative solution considered the fire's direction and the reduced access to water at a time when supply is invaluable.

Laura Earl, Program Manager, MCIC Foundations, a judge on the day said of the event "It was excellent to see in a difficult year, when face-to-face contact was limited, the teams produce working prototypes to solve big and small problems in the world. The event itself was exceptional, a combined online and offline offering to meet the current climate."

Congratulations to all teams and organisers - particularly Kevin Duquette, Maker Games Program Manager who we are sad to farewell at the end of 2020.

You can view all the teams pitches here.

Are you a startup interested in working with students to problem solve your challenges? See information about the Maker Games here or drop us an email at


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