
We provide Academics and Researchers with the knowledge and skills to create their own pathway to impact or commercialisation.

Our 1:1 coaching services and programs will help you get there: from the very beginnings of exploring what your options are - through to execution.

Book a personalised 1:1 coaching session today to unlock the full potential of your research or enrol in one of our specialised programs designed exclusively for researchers. Let us be your partner in transforming ideas into impactful solutions.

HDR to Impact + (HDR)

For Higher Degree Researchers

The HDR to Impact Program helps HDRs explore the entrepreneurial potential of their research. A self-paced learning program that incorporates interactive workshops and personalised coaching.

Research Making Impact (RMI)

For Academics

RMI is a comprehensive professional development program supporting Academics define the potential pathways to social, economic, cultural and environmental impact (Delivered in collaboration with Knowledge Exchange)

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UNSW Staff Spinout Framework

For Staff

UNSW Founders works hand-in-hand with Knowledge Exchange to guide academics and researchers through the different options available to take your idea or research to market.

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Visualise Your Thesis

For Higher Degree Researchers

Visualise Your Thesis is an international competition that challenges graduate researchers to summarise their research in an engaging, 60-second visual multimedia presentation. It gives the researcher the opportunity to build essential digital communication skills so they can effectively communicate complex research to a general audience.

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Research Pathways Meetup

For All

Join us for a dynamic monthly event designed to bridge the gap between the worlds off academia and entrepreneurship to showcase success stories, share insights and foster collaborative connections.

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ABC Media Residency Program

Falling Walls Lab

For Higher Degree Researchers

Falling Walls Lab is a science academic competition that challenges you to create a 3 minute pitch on your innovative idea. Candidates should be active researchers in any field of the natural sciences, including technology, engineering and medicine, or arts, humanities and social sciences. Each year, nearly 100 Labs are held globally involving more than 1,000 presenters, 100 of whom make it to the finale in Berlin.

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Ignite Your Impact Program

For Faculty of Medicine & Health

UNSW Medicine & Health have partnered with UNSW Founders to design and launch a tailored end-to-end health program to allow Faculty staff to upskill in alignment with their chosen pathway to impact.

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UNSW 3 Minute Thesis (3MT)

PhD Candidates

3 Minute Thesis (3MT) is an academic competition that showcases UNSW’s innovative PhD candidates, who have just 3 minutes to explain their world-changing research and why it is important. We are running workshops on presenting with confidence. Link to sign up here.

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PhD Candidates

The ABC TOP 5 program is tailored for early-career researchers. Program graduates are equipped with career-long skills, knowledge and confidence to communicate with media and their audiences about their field of expertise.

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