Meet a few of our founders

HEO Robotics

...HEO Robotics is putting small cameras on satellites that wouldn’t usually have them. It’s also commandeering satellite cameras when they’re otherwise not in use while passing over oceans. These then take high-definition snapshots of passing objects – be they live spacecraft or debris.” - Cosmos Magazine

Startup industry: Robotics and space technology

Founders: Dr Hiranya Jayakody, CTO; Dr William Crowe, CEO.

Launched in: 2016 in Sydney, Australia; November 2021 in London, UK

Launched from: 10x Accelerator

Most startup founders have, at one point or another, calmed their own nerves by telling themselves: “it’s not rocket science.” The folks at High Earth Orbit Robotics don’t have that luxury.

Back in 2016, founders Dr Jayakody and Dr Crowe set out to address a seldom-pondered but ever-growing problem: space junk. From there, they expanded their focus to include existing satellites. By doing so, they would empower governments to monitor existing equipment, and reduce the threats posed by space debris.

Nanosatellites and cutting edge software became the tools of their trade, and the right people started to take notice. Having passed through UNSW Founder's Flagship accelerator Founders 10x, they gained entry into and funding from the Y Combinator program, which many claim is more difficult to enter than Harvard. Now, after a triumphant round of seed funding, they are ready to transform the Final Frontier.


Compliance has snowballed rapidly in the last several years. Now, most of the technology industry needs to comply with standards, to demonstrate they meet the requirements of their customers and other stakeholders. AssuranceLab was…founded to solve the problem.” - Australian FinTech

Startup industry: IT services and compliance

Founders: Erika Villanueva, CCO; Paul Wenham, Co-CEO; Nick Lew Ton, Co-CEO.

Launched in: 2017

Launched from: 10x Accelerator

Compliance can be like sewage treatment: most people don’t want to think about it, but EVERYONE needs it to happen. This is why AssuranceLab sprang into existence.

For most tech companies, the need to comply with privacy, security, and even environmental regulations is a necessary burden. With AssuranceLab, tech players can now outsource these obligations without needing to hire full-time compliance teams. Since their launch, AssuranceLab have become world-leading experts in tackling compliance acronyms, from SOC to CSA STAR.

In 2021, AssuranceLab became rising stars in the Australian startup scene. After graduating from UNSW Founders’ 10x Accelerator program, they won both Best Innovation in RegTech and Female FinTECH Leader of the Year at the Annual Fintech Awards. They also earned their B Corp Certification, which reflects their high standards on ESG (Environmental Social & Governance) issues. Having staked their claim in the Australian compliance space, the folks at AssuranceLab are now going global.


Woolworths has announced a major change to its fresh fruit and vegetable section, coming to all stores across Australia. The supermarket giant, in partnership with Tiliter, is introducing new Artificially Intelligent (AI) Scales in the produce aisle. Shoppers simply have to place their loose produce on the Tiliter AI Scale which will display the weight of the product on the screen - instead of waiting until they’re at the checkout for an accurate reading.” - 7 News

Startup industry: Software and AI

Founders: Martin Karafilis, COO; Christopher Sampson, CTO; Marcel Herz, CEO.

Launched in: 2017

Launched from: 10x Accelerator

Anyone who has ever grappled with a supermarket self-service checkout will want to know about Tiliter. Through a mixture of slick hardware, AI-powered software, and a drive for change, the Sydney-based company are changing the checkout game.

Specifically, their method enables supermarkets to weigh and cost fruits, vegetables, and other products without barcodes, thereby streamlining checkout. Beyond optimising the shopping experience, Tiliter can also lower shopper’s bills by dealing more accurate weight estimates for produce.

As veterans of UNSW’s 10x Accelerator program, Tiliter stock has soared in recent times. Perhaps the prize item in their trolley, however, has been a deal with Woolworths. Through the partnership, the grocery giant are deploying Tiliter systems to over 1,000 stores nationwide. Thanks to Tiliter, the only unexpected item in your bagging area will be a pleasant surprise.


Synbiote has got to be the best biotech startup I’ve ever encountered. In all my years of angel investing, I’ve never come across their like before. Dude, where’s my hope for the future? It’s firmly wedged behind Synbiote.” - Ashton Kutcher (...maybe. He could have said it. I mean, we don’t spend 24/7 with Ashton, and unless you’re Mila Kunis, neither do you.)

Startup industry: Biotechnology

Founders: Alinta Furnell, Co-CEO & COO; Ismat Kabbara, Co-CEO & CSO

Launched in: 2020

Launched from: Health 10x

If COVID has taught us anything, it’s that our responses to health crises are only as robust as our medtech. Fortunately, Synbiote is already working to ensure that we outpace the next one. As a biotechnology startup, Synbiote is crafting a process which improves purification in biomanufacturing.

In a nutshell, this will allow both researchers and manufacturers to create everything from vaccines to lab-grown meat in higher volumes, for lower cost, and in less time. While their chief focus is on biopharmaceuticals, their method has the potential to scale to any realm of biotech.

For those without some type of science-based degree, the details behind Synbiote’s tech can feel a bit complex. However, the upper echelons of Australia’s science community are already paying attention. At the end of 2021, Synbiote won both the Sydney Knowledge Hub Research Collaboration Award, and the IP Group Emerging Company Award. And with the support of key figures in both industry and academia, there’s no limit to what they can achieve.


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The nine types of founders in the startup playground