Redesigning a more Circular City in a weekend!
2.5 days, 8 teams, and $1,500 in prizes plus the opportunity to represent UNSW in Devex World on December 10th!
Three wonderful speakers, Pippa Corry from Philo & Co, Dr. Guy Keulemans from UNSW Art & Design, and Carmel Reyes from the City of Sydney inspired the participants on Friday night with their experience and work on Circular Economy. Participants had 14 mentors working with them over the weekend, plus diverse workshops to help them with their business ideas: ideation, prototyping, and pitching. On Sunday afternoon three esteemed judges - Professor Evelyne de Leeuw from Healthy Urban Environments, Professor Eliathamby Ambikairajah, UNSW Deputy Vice-Chancellor Enterprise (Acting), and Pippa Corry from Philo & Co -assessed each of the three-minute pitches against four core criteria including innovative solution, impact, implementation, and pitch.
It was a weekend full of energy, fast pace ideas and virtual new friends! We had participants in Australia and overseas. The teams generated innovative solutions to be implemented at a local level and to scaled globally using the circular economy model.
The winners of the Circular Economy Resource Hack 2020 Circular Cities are: The C-Lab (1st place), RegenLoop (2nd place) and UGarden (People’s Choice).
The efforts and enthusiasm were really wonderful. Congratulations to all teams, we are very proud of them.
Thanks to speakers, judges, mentors, and the James N Kirby Foundation for their generous support.