Early Career Academic Startup Fellowship

Grow out of Academia into your own Startup

The Early Career Academic (ECA) Startup Fellowship helps academics become entrepreneurs. In partnership with UNSW Engineering and TRaCE, UNSW Founders has developed a program specifically for fixed-term Engineering postdoc to turn their research into valuable products that benefit humanity, with full time current salary covered by the fellowship.

Stop wondering what it’s like to be an entrepreneur. Be one with the ECA Startup Fellowship.

Applications are now closed. Express interest in this program below.

3-24 Months

To pursue the company your research was destined for

10 Spots

Limited availability give you our undivided attention


In funding we’re allocating to Engineering postdocs


Access experts and like-minded academics and startups


UNSW Engineering ECA Startup Fellowship

Go from academic to entrepreneur in 3 to 24 months (full time)

Phase 1: Ideation & Validation

Write it down. Research and test your assumptions with potential customers. Validate your market before taking the leap.

Activities: Initial research, feasibility studies, and market validation.

Outcomes: Refined project plans and initial prototypes.

Duration: 3 months (covered by Fellowship)

Phase 2: Development & Prototyping

Build your prototype. Turn your idea into a working prototype and watch it grow into a world class product using our facilities and expert support.

Activities: Product development, prototyping, and early-stage testing.

Outcomes: Working prototypes and preliminary data.

Duration: 3-12 months (covered by School)

Phase 3: Commercialisation & Startup

Start talking. Talk to potential buyers, execute your go to market plan, build out your team, scale up your operations.

Activities: Market entry strategies, business development, and operations.

Outcomes: Market-ready prototypes and established business entities.

Duration: up to 12 months (covered by Fellowship)

Our Support

Joining our program means you’ll get access to:

💰 Funding to cover salary expenses, micro-grants for cost of materials.

🤝 Mentorship from experienced entrepreneurs, industry experts, and academic mentors.

🏋️ Training on entrepreneurship, business development, IP, and regulatory affairs.

🥽 Facilities: access to state-of-the-art laboratories, prototyping centres, and co-working spaces.

🕺Networking with investors, industry partners, and fellow innovators (we support 400+ startups a year).

Program Eligibility

To be eligible for the program you must:

1. Be a fixed-term Engineering post-doc:

We are only accepting those currently holding a fixed-term postdoc position in the field of Engineering.

2. Submit with strong endorsement from your supervisor:

Candidates must have the high-conviction support and of their supervisor, who will also play a crucial role in the joint pitch for Fellowship selection. Your supervisor’s support and approval is essential to your success in this application.

3. And real commit to the opportunity:

We are expecting you to participate full time for this opportunity, so we need strong commitment from you and the support from an involved supervisor.

Selection Process

The program has 10 spots available: 5 Engineering spots open to fixed-term Engineering postdocs; and 5 TRaCE spots available to post-docs working on circular economy and clean energy technologies.

1. Application Submission (August)

Submit application outlining your innovative ideas and potential market applications. Deadline 1 September.

2. Candidate Interviews (September) Shortlisted candidates and supervisors will be interviewed to assess their entrepreneurial potential and commitment.

3. Final selection (September) Application outcomes will be sent out and the Fellowship will commence 1 October 2024.

Professor Julien Epps Dean of Engineering (UNSW)

“UNSW Engineering has a distinguished history of developing groundbreaking technologies that benefit society, and successfully bringing them to market. Our longstanding culture of entrepreneurship has led to the creation of more spin-out companies than any other university in Australia. I am thrilled about this next step, as we are confident that our ECAs will drive the creation of the next generation of successful technologies emerging from our Faculty.”


Access Funding

Unlock the financial resources you need to bring your ideas to life. Our program provides access to vital funding opportunities, helping you cover salary expenses, obtain micro-grants for materials, and secure investments. With the right capital, you can focus on innovation and growth, transforming your research into a successful startup.


Expert mentor support

Benefit from the guidance of seasoned entrepreneurs and industry experts. Our fellowship offers unparalleled mentorship to help you navigate the challenges of transitioning from academia to the startup world. Receive personalised advice, strategic insights, and invaluable support from mentors dedicated to your success.


World class facilities

Leverage our state-of-the-art laboratories, prototyping centers, and co-working spaces to develop your ideas. Our world-class facilities provide everything you need to create, test, and refine your products. Collaborate with like-minded peers and take advantage of resources designed to foster innovation and entrepreneurship.

You’re in good company

UNSW Founders supports 400+ startups every year across our All Industries, Health, Climate, Defence, Bio 10x Accelerator programs.

We have a proven track record turning technical ideas into impact.

Since inception of our Accelerator Programs in 2018, the 100+ graduating startups have:

Raised $150 million of investment capital post program; Created 500+ jobs, and Generated over $600 million in enterprise value.

Delivered by

Arash Atashnama

Fellowship Program Manager

I’m a multiple-time founder, Health 10x Alumni (Deepmeds), and an AGSM Angel Investor Program Alumni. With a Bachelor of Civil Engineering and an MBA, I’m here to help you bridge the gap between academia and entrepreneurship.

Questions? Email me at a.atashnama@unsw.edu.au

Alongside our expert mentors

  • Gary Zamel

    Chairman New Medtek Devices

  • Linda Koschier

    Managing Director at Ideematec

  • Dr Graham Doig

    Founder/CEO, Seaflight Technologies (YC S22)

  • Gabriella Nunes

    Director, Research & Commercialisation, TRaCE

  • Dr Alan Taylor

    Executive Chairperson of Clarity Pharmaceuticals

  • Jamie Conyngham

    Director, Business Development & Commercialisation, UNSW

  • Prof Ian Gibson

    Deputy Dean Industry Engagement, Innovation and Research at UNSW Engineering

  • David Burt

    Director of Entrepreneurship, UNSW

  • Chris Baxter

    Founder of Baxter IP

Don’t just take our word for it

Frequently Asked Questions

  • To be eligible for the Fellowship you must be an “Early Career Academic" in Engineering on a fixed-term contract. There is a formal definition of an Early Career Academic used throughout the sector, including by UNSW here:

    1. The employee is within seven years (relative to opportunity) of having been awarded a PhD or recognised equivalent

    2. The employee is classified as a member of the academic staff of UNSW

    3. The appointment is at Level A-C.

    This Fellowship aims to support these talented individuals (specifically in engineering) by providing the resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities needed to translate their innovative research into successful startups.

  • The program spans over 3-24 months full time. We need strong commitment from you and the strong support from your Supervisor.

  • The Fellowship starts 1 October. More details will be shared with the shortlisted applicants.

  • This Fellowship is beneficial for Engineering postdocs who want to become entrepreneurs. If you want to apply the skills and knowledge you acquired as an academic into products that can benefit humanity, this is Fellowship is for you.

  • As long as your visa status allows it, you are eligible to be part of the program.

  • The defined salary level will be your current salary.

  • The relationship between the supervisor and the postdoc is crucial. The supervisor's role is to provide support their postdoc's entrepreneurial ambitions. The supervisor's role is to:

    • Activate the postdoc's entrepreneurial potential by providing support and resources.

    • Be available to provide guidance to the postdoc during the startup phase.

    • Continuously communicate with the postdoc and the university's entrepreneurship team.

    • Ensure that the postdoc can focus on the startup work (which might mean finding/allocating other people to research project(s)).

    • Understand that the postdoc's time on the startup is a valuable investment and that the university is committed to supporting the postdoc's entrepreneurial ambitions.

  • The program is designed with all outcomes in mind. Even if you don’t launch a startup, the experience gained from the attempt will be valuable for your career. Universities are increasingly valuing commercialisation experience, and attempting to do so is seen as a positive step, regardless of the outcome.

    Not applying is considered more of a failure than trying and not succeeding.

Are you ready to make impact through entrepreneurship?

Waste no more time wondering what it’s like to be an entrepreneur. Just be one with the UNSW ECA Startup Fellowship.

Applications Closed: 1 September 2024

Candidate Interviews: September 2024

Final Selection: September 2024

Fellowship Starts: 1 October 2024